Number 1

The Monthly Guidance as per the birth numbers (1-9 or totalling to this) by The Spiritual Princess-Jayapalashri Anil

Channelled Message for the Generic Guidance for February 2022

The Monthly Guidance for birth number -1

The month February comes with a lot of challenges and obstacles. This may be due to the inner conflicts or disagreements having while trying to work or trying to put things in order. The tension could lead to a lot of chaos and confusion in your space. What you need to focus on is try to stay connected to your higher self and through that look at understanding the various forms of mysteries in life. Work with the kind of knowledge and stability that you have and have a perfect balance with the choices you make. You also need to know the importance of having an open communication and be very clear about it. Stay in perfect alignment and value your relationships. Shed all the hidden fear that you hold and bring in the virtues and values. What you also need to understand and know is that it is time to declutter your space as the sudden chaos and upheaval could bring in a lot of awakening which you may not be prepared for. But at the same time as you clear your space you would understand what you truly need and how to move forward for this month.

1 – Avoid being stereotypical, look at having the required passion in your life. Through this work towards the kind of inspiration which would bring in the energy and the strength for you to work towards the goal set by you and be ready to face the adventures of life. You are also asked to watch out and not be too impulsive with the kind of choices that you need to make. This month focus on the investments which would bring in long-term sustainability and also have patience when things go slow. The perseverance would help you bring in sustainable results. Be ready and be open for a change or transformation to happen in your space. Let go of the old and bring in the required space for a new beginning. There is a lot of change coming in hold onto the strength and power as you move forward in your life.