Dr. Pinakin Shah-Iron Man of Counselling
You May connect Dr. Shah for Aromatic Beauty Therapy, Ancient & Modern Naturopathy, Reflexology, Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage Therapy and Reiki, and further specialises into Specialised and Customised Training in Swedish Massage, Swedish-Bamboo Fusion Massage, Traditional Foot Reflexology etc.
To make use of his talents, Dr. Pinakin Shah founded the Pristine Sense Academy in Mumbai with an aim of promoting and facilitating positivity, health and well-being. To accomplish this goal, he underwent training in Aromatic Beauty Therapy, Ancient & Modern Naturopathy, Reflexology, Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage Therapy and Reiki, among others. Under this brand he provides Specialised and Customised Training in Swedish Massage, Swedish-Bamboo Fusion Massage, Traditional Foot Reflexology etc. where one can learn for Hobby or Profession.
Email:: dialganeshaadviser@gmail.com